What is?

Welcome to the wonderful world of schwogs! In this post, we'll explore...

What is a Schwog?

A schwog is like a blog, but with 100% more schw. It's the perfect format for...

class WanderingSpirit
  def initialize(secret_identity)
    @true_name = secret_identity.reverse.upcase
    @mood = %w[sparkly grumpy rainbow_powered].sample
  def dance_with_universe
    stars = "*" * (@true_name.length % 7 + 3)
    puts "#{stars} BEHOLD! #{stars}"
    puts "I am #{@true_name}, feeling rather #{@mood}"
    puts "Let us waltz among the cosmic dust!"
    puts "#{stars}#{stars.reverse}#{stars}"
  alias_method :greet, :dance_with_universe
